All Daily Quizzes

To view / attempt all ‘Daily Quizzes” and to get regular updates / notifications:

  1.  Install A A Shah Learning App from Google Play Store or click HERE. 

  2.  Click “Contact” at top right hand side corner to submit your details one-time.

  3.  Select Course “Scholarship Exams” . In message column type; “Kids” (for Class 1, 2). “Junior” (for Class 3,4,5). “Intermediate” (for Class 6,7,8). “Senior” (for Class 9,10)

  4.  Login id and password will be forwarded to you by WhatsApp.

  5.  After login, you get notifications in “Inbox”, daily quizzes in “Test”

  6.  After attempting each test you get result and an option of “Revision” at top right hand corner.

  7. You can attempt the test only once, but can view the attempted test any number of times by clicking “Result”.