1. Applications are invited from eligible unmarried Male and unmarried Female Engineering Graduates and also from Widows of Defence Personnel who died in harness for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in the Indian Army. Course will commence in Oct 2020 at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

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2. Eligibility
(a) Nationality. A candidate must either be :- (i) a citizen of India, or (ii) a subject of Bhutan, or (iii) a subject of Nepal, or (iv) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or (v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethopia and
Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by Government of India. Certificate of eligibility will
however not be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal. A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary, will attach such certificate alongwith the application.
(b) Age Limit
(i) For SSC(Tech)- 55 Men and SSCW(Tech)- 26 Women. 20 to 27 years as on 01 Oct 2020 (Candidates born between 02 Oct 93 and 01 Oct 2000, both days inclusive).
(ii) For widows of Defence Personnel who Died in Harness Only. SSCW (Non Tech) [Non UPSC] and SSCW(Tech) – A maximum of 35 years of age
as on 01 Oct 2020. Note. The date of birth recorded in the Matriculation/ Secondary School Examination Certificate or an equivalent examination certificate on the date of submission of application will only be accepted. No other document relating to age will be accepted and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.
(c) Educational Qualification for SSC(Tech)(Men and Women). Candidates who have passed the requisite Engineering Degree course or are in the final year of Engineering Degree course are eligible to apply. Candidates studying in the final year of Engineering degree course should be able to submit proof of passing by 01 Oct 2020 and produce the Engineering Degree Certificate within 12 weeks from the date of commencement of training
at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Such candidates will be inducted on Additional Bond Basis for recovery of the cost of training at Officers Training Academy (OTA) as notified from time to time as well as stipend and pay & allowances paid. Note. For induction to Pre Commission Training Academy, after final selection, the minimum educational qualification is passing BE/B.Tech degree in the Engineering
streams notified below at Para 3. To become eligible for induction into SSC(Tech)-55 (Men) course and SSC(Tech)-26 (Women) course at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, candidates studying in final year of Engineering must ensure that he/ she submits the proof of passing Engineering degree exam by 01 Oct 2020 to Directorate General of Recruiting, failing which his/ her candidature will be cancelled.
(d) Educational Qualification for Widows of Defence Personnel who Died in Harness
(i) SSCW (Non Tech) (Non UPSC). Graduation in any Discipline.
(ii) SSCW (Tech). B.E./ B. Tech in any Engineering stream.
Note. Candidate studying in final year of Degree must ensure that she submits the proof of passing Degree exam by 01 Oct 2020 to Directorate General of Recruiting, failing which her candidature will be cancelled.
3. Vacancies.
Candidates must note that only the Engineering streams and their acceptable equivalent streams, strictly as notified in the table below, will be accepted. Candidates with degrees in any other Engineering stream(s) are not eligible to apply. Variation between the nomenclature of Engineering stream as given on the degree parchment / marksheet and that submitted by the candidate in his online application will result in cancellation of candidature.
(a) For SSC(Tech)-55 Men.

(b) For SSCW(Tech)-26.

(c) For Widows of Defence Personnel Only.

These vacancies are tentative and may be changed depending on organizational requirements.
Note 1. A candidate is permitted to apply for only one entry/ discipline of the above courses. Change of Entry or qualification choice will not be entertained at any stage of selection process.
Note 2. Widows of Defence Personnel who died in harness, including those with children, will be eligible to apply for SSCW (Tech & Non Tech), provided they have not remarried. Their candidature will be considered only against specific vacancies released for said category, by the competent authority. In case unfilled, the vacancy will revert to the category other than that of widows. The following documents are to be attached with the application:-
(i) Application form (To be downloaded from www.joinindianarmy.nic.in).
(ii) Self attested copy of Class 10th Certificate and Marksheet.
(iii) Self attested copy of Class 12th Certificate and Marksheet.
(iv) Self attested copy of Degree Certificate and Marksheet.
(v) Part II Order of marriage.
(vi) Part II Order of demise of husband.
(vii) Initial report of Battle/ Physical casualty.
(viii) Detailed report of Battle/ Physical casualty.
(ix) Battle/ Physical Casualty Certificate.
Note 3. Serial (v) to (ix) above to be attested by an officer ex MP Directorate (MP-5 & 6), IHQ of MoD (Army) for officers and by Concerned Record office for JCO/OR. The envelope containing the application should be superscribed in Red ink clearly indicating the name of Offr/JCO/OR with rank. For example, “Widow of late ___________”. These candidates will apply OFF LINE directly to Rtg ‘A’(WE) section, Dte Gen of Rtg, AG’s Branch, Integrated HQ, Ministry of Defence (Army), West Block-III, R K Puram, New Delhi- 110066, provided they possess the laid down educational qualification and meet specified selection criteria. The last date for receipt of such Offline applications at Dte Gen of Rtg duly completed in all respects is 31st March 2020. Applications received after last date/ incomplete applications will not be accepted.
4. Type of Commission
(a) Grant of Commission. Selected candidates will be granted Short Service Commission on probation in the rank of Lt from the date of commencement of the course or the date of reporting at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, whichever is later and will be entitled to full pay and allowances admissible to Lt during training period. Pay & allowances will be paid after successful completion of training.
(b) Confirmation of Short Service Commission. On successful completion of Pre Commission training at OTA, Officer will be confirmed Short Service Commission (Technical) in the rank of Lt.
(c) Ante Date Seniority. One year ante date seniority from the date of commission will be granted to Engineering Graduates of Short Service Commission (Technical) in the rank of Lt.
(d) No Ante Date Seniority for widows of Defence Personnel for SSC(NT). Widows of Defence Personnel selected for SSCW (NT) entry will be granted Short Service Commission in the rank of Lieutenant but will NOT be entitled to any ante date seniority.
5. Training
(a) Selected candidates will be detailed for training at Officers Training Academy, Chennai according to their position in the final order of merit (engineering stream-wise) upto the number of available vacancies and subject to meeting all eligibility criteria.
(b) Duration of Training- 49 weeks.
(c) Candidates will neither be allowed to marry during the period of training nor he/ she be allowed to live with Parents/ Guardians. Candidates must not marry until they complete the full training at the Officers Training Academy. A candidate, if he/ she marries while under training, shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him/ her by the government. This provision is also applicable to widows of Defence Personnel. A candidate, who marries subsequent to the date of his/ her application, though successful at the Service Selection Board interview and medical examination, will not be inducted for training, and his/ her candidature will be cancelled.
(d) Training at OTA is at Govt expense. All candidates who successfully complete Pre-Commission training at Officers Training Academy, Chennai will be awarded ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Defence Management and Strategic Studies’ by University of Madras.
(e) Suitability to Retain Short Service Commission. If an officer is reported upon within a period of six months from the date of confirmation of Short Service Commission as unsuitable to retain his/ her commission, his/ her commission may be terminated at any time, whether before or after the above period.
(f) Liability of Service. Officers may be granted Short Service Commission in any Arm/ Service and will be liable for service in any part of the world on selected appointments as decided by Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Army), from time to time.
(g) Tenure of Engagement. Officers (Male and Female) shall be liable to serve for ten years. The said tenure, however, may be extendable by a further period of four years subject to their opting for the same and found eligible and suitable for extension of service as per terms of engagement issued from time to time. Officers who are desirous of seeking Permanent Commission (PC) may be considered for the same in the 10th year of service in accordance with the eligibility and suitability as per terms of engagement issued from time to time. Those Offrs (Male and Female) seeking PC but are not granted the same, may opt for extension of service. Offrs found eligible and suitable for grant of extension of service as per terms of engagement issued from time to time, may be granted extension for a period of four years on expiry of which they will be released from the Army.
(h) Cost of Training. The entire cost of training at OTA is at Government expense. In case the Lady/ Gentleman Cadet is withdrawn from training academy due to reasons other than medical ground or the reasons not beyond his/ her control, he/ she will be liable to refund cost of training @ Rs.11,952/- per week till 30 Sep 2020, thereafter a yearly escalation of 8% p.a. will be calculated on the Per Capita Cost of Training for each ensuing year (or as notified from time to time) apart from allied charges as fixed by the government from time to time, for the period of his/ her stay at OTA, Chennai.
6. The final allocation of Arms/Services will be made prior to passing out of Lady/Gentleman cadets from OTA, Chennai and will be at the sole discretion of Integrated HQ Ministry of Defence (Army) keeping in view the existing policy. The candidate will not have any objection in the event of his/her final selection on allotment of any arms/service in the interest of the organization. No representation is tenable on this account.
7. Promotion Criteria and Salary Structure
(a) Promotion Criteria

(b) Pay

(c) Military Service Pay (MSP)

(d) Fixed Stipend for Cadet Training

*On successful commissioning, the pay in the Pay Matrix of the Officer Commissioned shall be fixed in first Cell of Level 10 and the period of training shall not be treated as commissioned service and arrears on account of admissible allowances, as applicable, for the training period shall be paid to cadets.
(e) Qualification Grant
(i) Qualification Grant. Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by newly proposed Higher Qualification Incentive (HQI). Order for HQI is yet to be issued by MoD.
(ii) Flying allowance. The Army Aviators (Pilots) serving in the Army Aviation Corps are entitled to flying allowance as under:-

(f) Other Allowances

(g) Depending upon rank and area of posting, officer posted to Field Areas will be eligible for the following Field Area Allowances :-

(h) High Altitude Allowance.

(j) Siachen Allowance. Siachen Allowance will be Rs. 42,500/- per month.
(k) Uniform allowance. Subsumed into the newly proposed Dress Allowance i.e. Rs. 20,000/- per year.
(l) Ration in Kind. In peace and field areas.
(m) Transport Allowance (TPTA)

(i) Higher TPTA Cities (UA). Hyderabad, Patna, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Surat, Bengaluru, Kochi, Kozhikode, Indore, Greater Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, Jaipur, Chennai, Coimbatore, Ghaziabad, Kanpur, Lucknow and Kolkata.
(ii) The allowance shall not be admissible to those service personnel who have been provided with the facility of Government transport.
(iii) Officers in Pay Level 14 and above, who are entitled to use official car, will have the option to avail official car facility or to draw the TPTA at the rate of Rs. 15,750+DA p.m. thereon.
(iv) The allowance will not be admissible for the calendar month(s) wholly covered by leave.
(v) Physically disabled service personnel will continue to be paid at double rate, subject to a minimum of Rs 2,250 + DA p.m.
(n) Children Education Allowance. Rs. 2250/- per month per child for two eldest surviving only. CEA is admissible from Nursery to 12th Classes.
(i) Reimbursement should be done just once a year, after completion of the financial year (which for most schools coincides with the Academic year).
(ii) Certificate from the head of institution where the ward of government employee studies should be sufficient for this purpose. The certificate should confirm that the child studied in the school during the previous academic year.
Note. In the case of allowances specific to Defence Forces, the rates of these allowances would be enhanced by 25% automatically each time the Dearness Allowance payable on the revised pay band goes up by 50% (GoI letter No. A-27012/02/2017-Estt. (AL) dated 16 Aug 2017).
(iii) Please note that pay & allowances and rules/provisions thereof are subject to revision from time to time.
(o) Hostel Subsidy. Rs 6750/- per month per child for two eldest surviving only. Hostel Subsidy is admissible from Nursery to 12th class.
8. Army Group Insurance Fund. The Gentlemen Cadets/ Lady Cadets when in receipt of stipend are insured for Rs 75 lakh as applicable to officers of the regular Army. Those who are invalidated out by Invaliding Medical Board (IMB) on account of disability and not entitled to any pension will be provided Rs 25 lakh for 100 percent disability. This will be proportionately reduced to Rs 5 lakh for 20 percent disability. However, for less than 20% disability, an Ex-Gratia grant of Rs 50,000/- for initial years of training and Rs. 1 lakh for last year of training will be paid. Disability due to alcoholism, drug addiction and due to the diseases of pre-enrolment origin will not qualify for disability benefit and Ex-Gratia grant. In addition, Gentlemen Cadets withdrawn on disciplinary grounds, expelled as undesirable or leaving the Academy voluntarily will not be eligible for disability benefits and Ex-Gratia. Subscription at the rate of Rs 5,000/- is charged in advance on monthly basis from Gentlemen Cadets. The subscription for the relegated period would also be recovered at the same rate.
9. How to Apply
(a) Applications will only be accepted online on website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. Click on ‘Officer Entry Appln/Login’ and then click ‘Registration’ (Registration is not required, if already registered on www.joinindianarmy.nic.in). Fill the online registration form after reading the instructions carefully. After getting registered, click on ‘Apply Online’ under Dashboard. A page ‘Officers Selection – ‘Eligibility’ will open. Then click ‘Apply’ shown against Short Service Commission Technical Course. A page ‘Application Form’ will open. Read the instructions carefully and click ‘Continue’ to fill details as required under various segments – Personal information, Communication details, Education details and details of previous SSB. ‘Save & Continue’ each time before you go to the next segment. After filling details on the last segment, you will move to a page ‘Summary of your information’ wherein you can check and edit the entries already made. Only after ascertaining the correctness of all your details, click on ‘Submit Now’. Candidates must click on ‘Submit Now’ each time they open the application for editing any details. The candidates are required to take out two copies of their application having Roll Number, 30 minutes after final closure of online application on last day.

Note 1. No changes to details submitted in online application can be made after closure of application. No representation in this regard shall be entertained.
Note 2. CGPA/ Grades must be converted into Marks as per the formulae adopted by the concerned University for filling ‘Marks obtained in Graduation’ in online application. Any discrepancy observed at any stage of selection process will lead to cancellation of candidature.
Note 3. Candidate’s name/ Parent’s name (Father & Mother)/ Date of Birth in the profile and online application must be as per Matriculation/ Secondary School Examination Certificate or Equivalent certificate issued by the concerned Board of Education. Variation in above details will lead to cancellation of the candidature.
(b) Self attested copy of following documents alongwith their originals are to be carried to the Selection Centre by the candidates:-
(i) One copy of the Print out of application duly signed and affixed with self attested photograph.
(ii) Matriculation/ Secondary School Examination Certificate or equivalent certificate and Marksheet issued by the Concerned Board of Education.
Note 1. Matriculation/ Secondary School Examination Certificate or equivalent certificate issued by the Concerned Board of Education will only be accepted as proof of Date of Birth, Candidate’s name and Parent’s name (Father & Mother) (No other document like Admit Card/ Marksheet/ Transfer Certificate etc, are acceptable).
Note 2. In case Parent’s name (Father & Mother) is not mentioned in Matriculation/ Secondary School Examination Certificate or equivalent certificate, the candidate is required to produce any document issued by Govt of India or States Govt such as PAN Card, Aadhaar Card, Passport, Driving licence etc. for verification. However, Candidate’s name and their Parent’s name filled in online application must match exactly with those mentioned in the produced document.
(iii) 12th Class Marksheet and Certificate or equivalent certificate.
(iv) Engineering Degree/ Provisional Degree issued by the University.
(v) Marksheets of all Semesters. (Revised marksheets issued by a Board/ University after submission of online application by the candidate will not be accepted for shortlisting for this course).
(vi) Certificate issued by the Controller of Examination/ Registrar of the concerned University regarding formulae for conversion of CGPA/ Grades into marks followed by the University.
(vii) A certificate issued by the controller of Exam/ Registrar/ Dean of the concerned University or Principal of the college regarding cumulative percentage of marks upto 6th semester for Engg Degree course/ 2nd semester for M Sc. Computer Science/ 8th semester for Architecture as per Rules/ Guidelines of the University which is applicable to the candidate.
(viii) Certificate from the Principal/ Head of the Institution stating that the candidate is in final year and his/ her result will be declared by 1st of the month of commencement of course (for final year appearing candidates).
(ix) Declaration by the candidate of final year Engineering degree course that he/ she will submit the proof of passing by 1st of the month of commencement of course to Dte Gen of Rtg, failing which his/her candidature will be cancelled.
(c) Any candidate who does not carry the above documents for the SSB interview, his/ her candidature will be cancelled and he/ she will be returned.
(d) All certificates in original to be carried by the candidates for SSB interview for verification. Originals will be returned after verification at the Service Selection Board itself.
(e) The second copy of the printout of online application is to be retained by the candidate for reference. There is no need to send any hard copy to DG Recruiting.
(f) Candidates must submit only one online application. Receipt of multiple applications from the same candidate will result in cancellation of candidature, and NO representation will be entertained in this regard.
(g) Candidates serving in the Armed Forces are required to inform their Commanding Officer in writing that they have applied for this examination. Applications of candidates serving in the Armed Forces, duly countersigned by the Commanding Officer should be taken alongwith all other documents as stated above to the SSB as and when called for the same.
10. Selection Procedure. The selection procedure is as follows:-
(a) Shortlisting of Applications. Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) reserves the right to shortlist applications and to fix cutoff percentage of marks for each Engineering discipline/stream (cumulatively obtained upto 6th semester for Engg Degree course/ 2nd semester for M Sc. Computer Science/ 8th semester for Architecture) without assigning any reason. After shortlisting of applications, the centre allotment will be intimated to the candidate via their email. After allotment of Selection Centre, candidates will have to log in to the website and select their SSB dates which are available on a first come first serve basis initially. Thereafter, it will be allotted by the Selection Centres.
(b) Only shortlisted eligible candidates depending on the cut off percentage will be interviewed at one of the Selection Centres viz. Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP), Bengaluru (Karnataka) and Kapurthala (Punjab) by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and Interviewing Officer. Call Up letter for SSB interview will be issued by respective Selection Centres through candidate’s registered e-mail id and SMS only. Allotment of Selection Centre is at the discretion of Directorate General of Recruiting, IHQ of MoD (Army) and NO request for changes will be entertained in this regard.
(c) Candidates will be put through two stage selection procedure. Those who clear Stage-1 will go to Stage-2. Those who fail in Stage-1 will be returned on the same day. Duration of SSB interviews is five days, and details of the same are available on official website of Directorate General of Recruiting ie. www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. This will be followed by a medical examination for the candidates who get recommended after Stage-2.
(d) Candidates recommended by the SSB and declared medically fit, will be issued Joining Letter for training in the order of merit, depending on the number of vacancies available, subject to meeting all eligibility criteria.
11. Medical Examination. Please visit www.joinindianarmy.nic.in for Medical Standards and Procedures of Medical Examination for Officers Entry into Army as applicable.
Note 1. The proceedings of the Medical Board are confidential and will not be divulged to anyone. Directorate General of Recruiting has no role to play in any Medical Boards and procedure advised by the Competent Medical Authorities will be strictly adhered.
12. Entitlement for Travelling Allowance. Candidates appearing for SSB interview for the first time for a particular type of commission shall be entitled for AC-3 Tier to and fro Railway fare or Bus fare including reservation cum sleeper charges within Indian limits. Candidates who apply again for the same type of commission will NOT be entitled to travelling allowance on any subsequent occasion. For any query/ clarification regarding admissibility or payment of Travelling Allowance, the candidates may directly approach the concerned Selection Centres.
14. On joining the Army, some of personal restrictions in service will be imposed in accordance with Article 33 of the Constitution of India as promulgated in the Army Act and Army Rules from time to time.
15. Change of Interview Date/ Centre. Request for change of SSB Interview Date/ Center will NOT be entertained or replied.
Note 1. Any ambiguity/ false information/ concealment of information detected in the certificates/ documents/ online application will result in cancellation of the candidature at any stage of selection and thereafter.
Note 2. The candidate should have never been debarred from appearing in any examination by UPSC.
Note 3. The candidate should have never been arrested or convicted by a criminal court or involved in any case.
Note 4. Candidates withdrawn from NDA, IMA, OTA, Naval Academy, Air Force Academy or any Service Training Academy on disciplinary grounds are not eligible to apply.
Note 5. For all queries regarding Allotment of Centres, Date of Interview, Merit list, Joining Instructions and any other relevant information, please visit our website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. Queries will be replied ONLY through ‘Feedback/ Query option available on the website.
Note 6. Please read the Notification, Tickers on website, Joining Instructions, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and other instructions uploaded on the website thoroughly before submission of queries in ‘Feedback/Query’ on our website.
Note 7. In order to avoid last hour rush and ensure timely response, queries received upto 03 days prior to closing of online application will ONLY be entertained/ replied.